Kevin Warters
School of Motoring


About Us

Kevin Warters

Founder/Owner/Driving Instructor

Hi and welcome to my website.

I am an independent driving instructor and I have been working for myself for the past few years, giving driving instruction in York. I keep myself up-to-date with all the latest training requirements. As a fully qualified and Approved Driving Instructor I am “Check Tested” by the DVSA (Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency) on a regular basis, so you can be assured that you are getting the best and most up to date instruction possible, when booking your driving tuition in and around York.

The reason I started training to be a driving instructor was as in my early years I used to coach rugby league (sport) in York and I really enjoyed myself seeing all the things we practised coming to fruition. So when I was looking to change my career I felt that driving instruction was for me… and I have not looked back since! I genuinely enjoy giving driving lessons and I look forward to the day you pass your driving test under my guidance.

Learning Process

The Theory Test

The Theory Test consists of two parts - a multiple choice question test and a hazard perception test. The questions part of the test is carried out on a touch screen computer at a dedicated theory test centre (for York it is currently Stirling House on Poppleton Road Business Estate). There are 50 questions and the pass mark is 43 out of 50. The hazard perception part of the test then follows with 14 clips of film, each of which has one developing hazard that you have to identify, apart from one clip of film which has 2 hazards to identify. The hazard perception pass mark is 44 out of 75.

The Practical Test

The Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) driving test for car drivers is about 40 minutes long. During this time the examiner will try to ensure that you cover a wide variety of different road conditions, from quiet low speed roads to busy high-speed roads and town or city center driving. You will also be required to undertake a set manoeuvre and optionally the emergency stop. Independent driving has now become part of the driving test this is where the examiner will ask you to follow a sat-Nav or alternatively follow a set of directions whether it be road signs and markings or verbal directions or a combination of the two,, this phase of the test will last approximately 20 minutes. The examiner may require you to undertake one of the following manoeuvres and optionally the emergency stop.

1. Reverse parking behind a parked car or into a parking bay.
2. Forward bay parking.
3. Pulling over on the right ,reversing back approximately two car lengths, then moving off re-joining the left hand side of road.


Whilst you are driving the examiner will note any driving faults that have occurred the driving faults are categorised into minor, serious and dangerous faults. At the end of the test the examiner will total up the number of minor, serious or dangerous driving faults committed. If you commit 16 or more minor driving faults you will unfortunately fail the driving test. If you commit one or more serious or dangerous driving faults you will also fail the test. But with your knowledge acquired over the training weeks you should feel confident of passing your practical test as I will never put anyone forward if I do not feel they are ready. Even if you feel you have failed the test you should continue to try, as the test will help you to identify where you need more practice. You also have the option of having myself in the car for the driving test...totally your choice though.

Josefine Wellhaven

When I was visited York -England for an exchange program I had already planned to take my driving test there. Unexpectedly my host dad was a driving teacher - that’s fantastic! Before I went to York I had not driven that much back in Norway, I was going to drive on the wrong side of the road and change gear with the wrong hand. Anyway I thought, after moving to York it did not take long before I was on the road having driving tuition clenching the steering wheel– that’s when you need someone like Kevin. He calms you down, makes you concentrate on what you are doing and makes you lose your panic. Kevin gave me a lot of good driving lessons, we had fun but were serious. He taught me everything about driving and the rules they have in England. I was late starting with the theory test, but Kevin gave me a bit of a kick on my behind and after a while - I PASSED! WOHOO !!! The test day was here, I was so nervous. I PASSED! I was so relieved, Kevin did not let me drive back home because he thought I was too overconfident!! (And also I was not now insured for driving lessons as I had passed) Kevin is a great driving instructor, his English is easy to understand which makes it very easy for foreign students to get along with him. Kevin has a lot of experience with students from abroad and has great results and good prices. I definitely recommend Kevin!

Da jeg dro til England på utveksling hadde jeg planlagt at jeg skulle ta førerkortet når jeg kom ned. Det viste seg at vertsfaren min var kjørelærer - helt fantastisk, tenkte jeg! Jeg hadde kjørt veldig lite fra før av, men tenkte at det ikke betød så mye siden jeg jo tross alt måtte lære kjøre på feil side av veien og gire med feil hånd. Da jeg kom til york tok det ikke lange tiden før jeg var ute på veien, og tviholdt i rattet - det er da du trenger en som Kevin. Han roer deg ned, får deg til å konsentrere deg om det du driver med, og lurer vekk panikken du har. Kevin ga meg mange gode timer, vi hadde det gøy, men seriøst. Han lærte meg alt om bilkjøring, og reglene de har i England som ikke er helt like som hjemme i Norge. Jeg var litt treig med å komme i gang med teoriprøven, men Kevin fikk fart på meg og etterhvert bestod jeg. Så var det oppkjøring - jeg var kjempenervøs! JEG BESTOD!! Jeg var så glad, og Kevin sa jeg ikke fikk kjøre hjem selv, fordi han mente jeg var for høy på pæra! Kevin var en fantastisk fin kjørelærer, han har veldig god og forstålig engelsk, flink til å forklare og er en veldig lett person å komme overens med og prate med. Kevin har også vært kjørelærer for veldig mange andre nordmenn og har masse erfaring. Han har gode resultater og gode priser - jeg anbefaler Kevin på det sterkeste!

Jordan Hyde

Kevin was just what I needed in a driving instructor, he was very easy to get along with which made me feel at ease. His driving instructions where very clear and he would even demonstrate the manoeuvres him self if I couldn't get to grips with it. I appreciated how flexible he was with my shift work often helping me where possible. All in all my experience with Kevin was a good one we had a laugh and a joke but he kept me firmly on task so thank you Kevin.

Jenni Johannessen

I was on a student exchange in York and really wanted to get my driving licence there, as it is cheaper than in Norway. I was concerned that I needed a driving instructor who had the ability to prioritise and give me driving lessons, as I had to take the test in the 10 months I lived in York. Kevin is committed to giving their students the driving lessons they need, and he is also one of the best priced and best driving instructor you can get in York. He is patient and provided an effective training program with good progression. He is also good with his Norwegian pupils; he explains carefully and thinks no question is stupid! Driving lessons were safe, challenging and educational. Driving Lessons in England is right for you as a student, and Kevin's tuition times whether Saturday morning or Thursday evening. He will always find the times for driving tuition to suite you even lunch breaks from College! He's funny, confident and capable and I was looking forward to driving lessons with him. If sometimes i was unfocused, or manoeuvres I have not mastered, he took it with a smile and said "okay, Jenni, we have to work on That next time" and we did, and I went back to Norway with driving licence in my wallet. It was a pleasure to have Kevin as a driving instructor in York!

Jenni....Jeg var selv på utveksling i York året 12-13 og hadde veldig lyst til å bilserfikatet der, da det både er billigere enn i Norge og jeg slapp å begynne på lappen da jeg kom hjem. Jeg var opptatt av en kjørelærer som hadde muligheten til å prioritere meg og gi meg kjøretimer, slik at jeg rakk å ta den på de 10 månedene jeg bodde der. Kevin er opptatt av å gi elevene sine de timene de trenger, og han er også en av de billigste og beste du kan få i York. Han er tålmodig og sørget for en effektiv opplæring, med god progresjon. Han er også flink med sine norske elever, han forklarer nøye og synes ingen spørsmål er teite. Kjøretimene var trygge, utfordrende og lærerikt. Kjøretimene i England er tilpasset deg som elev, og Kevin stiller opp enten det er lørdags morgen eller torsdagskveld. Det går altså ikke utover din tid på College. Han er morsom, trygg og dyktig og jeg gledet meg til kjøretimene med han. Om det var kjøretimer jeg virkelig var ufokusert på, eller øvelser jeg ikke mestret tok han det med et smil og sa "okey, Jenni, we have to work on that next time" og det gjorde vi, og jeg reiste tilbake til Norge med serfikatet i lommeboka. Det var en fornøyelse å ha Kevin som kjørelærer!

Cameron Mulhearn

I would recommend Kevin as a driving instructor I always enjoyed my lessons and Kevin never got stressed when I made mistakes he always told me that when I would be ready for a test he would let me know and just to concentrate on driving safely, competently and use the knowledge he was teaching me to be a good driver ...then I would pass my test. Best driving instructor in York, Thank you.

Jack Anderson

Kevin was a great driving instructor he always had a clear plan of what my driving tuition was going to be. The driving tuition was always informative with a lot of practical driving not just sat in the car talking, Kevin always made sure I understood exactly what he was asking me to do during my driving lesson and never made me feel silly, if I didn't understand he would just explain it again in a different way. He was a great driving instructor and I always enjoyed my driving lessons in and around York.

Grace Anderson

Kevin helped me pass my driving test and was always helpful and thoughtful during my driving lessons. I had a bit of a problem with roundabouts so he went out of his way on his day off to drive me around the roundabouts to explain what he wanted me to do and as I was a passenger I was under less pressure on the driving lesson and so I gained a better understanding of what was required and this really helped me gain confidence in this area. Kevin's driving tuition was very relaxed yet informative and Kevin was always willing to go the extra mile to help me and his driving tuition was always cheerful and helpful.

Tom Muir

I was a more mature student as I never got around to having driving lessons in my younger days so I was a little nervous when I telephoned Kevin regarding driving lessons. Kevin always made me feel at ease during driving lessons but he would also always tell me if I was doing something wrong. he would explain to me that I was going to make mistakes and if he "sees it he will say it" meaning if I made a mistake he would identify my fault we would discuss what was going wrong and then work on correcting the faults, he was very picky on everything but that is what I needed to pass my driving test and to drive confidently as confidence was what I lacked. I passed first time! Excellent driving tuition.

Anna Kjøssveen

I will absolutely recommend Kevin as a driving tutor! All credit to Kevin who can manage foreign students just as well as British driving students. I'm forever thankful to Kevin who helped me on my way to get a driving licence. It's hard to believe that anyone could have done a better job as a driving instructor than he did. He's a positive person with really good sense of humour. He's both easy talking to and a good listener. He always includes your thoughts and wishes considering the driving when he gives advice for what’s the best for you. His positive view on things motivates and makes your want to drive more and more. I always looked forward to my driving lessons; it was often the highlight of the day! We always begun the lessons with going roughly through what we practised on the last driving lesson, then we agreed on what we would focus on this lesson. Kevin gives you lots of praise and gives you better confidence when you're driving. I made a lot of mistakes on my driving lessons but Kevin stayed patient and gave me all the time I needed. Even that time I was so nervous that the whole seat was covered in sweat! Kevin saw the fun in it. Next time he had a package of wipes ready for me to wipe my brow! . He isn't only a great driving tutor, but also a lovely person that i still stay in touch with, even though we live in different countries. Thanks Kev!

Jeg vil på alle måter anbefale Kevin som kjørelærer! Det er en stor utfordring å få en person fra et annet land til å ta førerkort i England. I Norge kjører vi på motsatt side av veien og er vandt til et helt annet kjøremønster enn det England har. Kevin beviser gang på gang at det er mulig å ta førerkortet i England selv om du kommer fra et annet land. Dette skal han ha all ros for!! Jeg er evig takknemlig for at Kevin var min kjørelærer, jeg hadde ikke klart å ta førerkortet i England hvis ikke det hadde vært for han! Kevin er en svært positiv person med mye humor. Han er både enkel å snakke med og flink til å lytte. Han tar alltid hensyn til dine ønsker og tanker angående kjøringen, deretter gir han råd ut ifra hva han tror er best for deg. Hans positive innstilling er svært motiverende og gir deg lyst til å kjøre mer bil. Jeg gledet meg alltid til kjøretimene, det var ofte høydepunktet i løpet av dagen! Vi begynte alltid timen med å gjennomgå hva vi øvde på sist gang, deretter ble vi enige om hva vi skulle fokusere på denne timen. Kevin er flink til å gi ros og å gi deg bedre selvtillit når du kjører. Dette bidrar til at du ikke blir redd for å gjøre tabber. Han holder alltid humøret oppe, samtidig som han er svært tålmodig og gir deg den tiden du trenger. Selv den gangen jeg var så nervøs at hele setet var dekket av svette klarte Kevin å se det morsomme i det. -neste gang hadde han lommetørklær liggende klare for min skyld. Han er ikke kun en dyktig kjørelærer, men også en fantastisk person som jeg fremdeles holder kontakten med, til tross for at vi bor i forskjellige land.


Individual Lessons & Packages

Cancellation policy: I require at least 24 hrs notice of any cancellations to give me enough time to replace the cancelled lesson(s). Cancellation notices must provide a minimum of 24 hrs notice or cancelled lesson(s) will be charged at full price.

1 Hour Lesson = £45

1.5 Hour Lesson = £67

2 Hours Lesson = £89

5 x 1 hour lessons booked in advance
Discounted price = £223.00

10 x 1 hour lessons booked in advance
Discounted price = £445.00

*** Alternatively contact me for special offers for bespoke block bookings ***

Driver and vehicle standards agency pass plus course = £300.00.
This course is available after you have passed your test to enhance your driving skills, some insurance companies also offer discounts if you complete this course.
Please ask for further details.

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